Diese Datenschutzerklärung auf deutsch

Terms of Service

Impressum (in German only)

Privacy Policy

The Treefinder app ("app" for short) was developed by the Dieckmann GbR and is provided at no cost to the user. The app's purpose is to entertain and not to collect customer data.

We take data protection seriously and treat all personally identifiable information ("PII") confidentially and with respect to the legal requirements. Should you still suspect an issue with our app and its handling of PII you can contact us directly. Responsible for the app and the in this context collected data is:

Land- und Forstwirtschaftlicher Betrieb Dieckmann
Dieckmann GdR
represented by Sylvia Dieckmann
Uppener Pass 2
31135 Hildesheim
Telefon: 0160 / 9919 8899

Collection of Personal Information

If you choose to use our app you agree to the collection and use of personal information in relation to this policy. Personal information is data that allows conclusions about your identity.

This app may collect the following information during installation or use:

IP address, device type and ID, AppID, Operating system and version, app configuration and other log data. This information is collected for the purpose of diagnosis and analysis.

Usage profile, together with a neutral but unique userid. This also serves primarily for the purpose of diagnosis and analysis.

Email address, telephone number, first and last name. This information is only captured when the user chooses to access the functionality to upload and edit own photos. It serves to attribute user generated content to the responsible person in accordance with our terms of service. Real name and contact info will not be displayed publicly.

User name. During registration you can choose your own user name. This name might be displayed publicly on the app but it can be a pseudonym. Internally it will be stored together with your other personally identifiable data.

Photos and comments. When you upload and comment photos, you consent that those texts and images are published and displayed with your chosen user name. See the terms of service for more detail.

Access permissions

To fulfill the functionality access to some device components is necessary. This will be confirmed by you during installation or first usage. The access permissions in question are:

Analytics tools and other services

When you are using the app, your behavior and other personal data may be recorded by third-party analytics packages for bug tracking or to improve our service. Each of this third-party suppliers is required to publish a privacy policy and to treat all personally identifiable data according to the law.

To provide user friendly registration and login mechanism this app is supporting so called social login. This means we use plugins that are provided by social networks and which collect and exchange personally identifiable information. The type of data will be explicitly confirmed by you during registration and permission can later be revoked on the sites of the respective services.

Inquiries and Concerns

You have the right to request information on the personally identifiable data stored about your person. Furthermore, you have the right to request blocking or deletion of data concerning our person. We will honor your requests in a timely manner. Please contact us at the address listed in the introduction.

Children's Privacy

The Baumfinder app is not suited for children under 13 years. Should we discover, or be informed by guardians, that a child under 13 has created a profile, we will delete the data in question immediately from our servers.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

The Baumfinder app is under active development and is undergoing continuous improvements. Therefore the privacy policy will have to be updated from time to time. Changes will be communicated by posting a new version of this document here.

This privacy policy is effective as of 18.7.2020.